European Medical Waste Conference - 8-9/02/2011 - Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Date de publication : 15 Novembre 2010
Date de modification : 15 Novembre 2010

Programme :

Education of Hospital staff: Medical Waste Minimization & Segregation Sound Healthcare Waste Management Environment Managing Pharmaceuticals Worldwide Best Practice Cases Innovations & Trends Updates on LegislationsHospital internal logistics & environmental platforms

International Cooperation & Networking: Pharmaceuticals New Legislation Environment The future of Medical Waste Working Groups Panel DiscussionsRound Table Discussions

What more: Presentations on Pharmaceutical waste management Presentations on Healthcare Waste related European Union Projects Update on Healthcare Waste Management in Southern Europe Update on Healthcare Waste Management in Northern Europe At least 5 national sessions; United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany & The Netherlands Poster PresentationsNetwork Reception

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